South Africa TourismSouth Africa information centres![]() Here you will find a listing of the many offices of South Africa Tourism worldwide. In theses South African Tourist Information Centers you will find excellent free information material and brochures as well as travel tips and resources regarding any travel destination in South Africa. Are you interested in Pictures of South Africa, then be marvel at the beauty of this African country captured in the photos in my
photo gallery.
South Africa Tourism Office in the USAUSA: New York, 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2040, NY10110, Tel: 001-212-730-2929, Fax: 001-212-764-1980, LA Office: 001-310-643-6481, Brochure Line: 1-800-593-1318, Email:
Tourism Offices of South Africa in Australia and New ZealandAustralia: Sydney, NSW 2000, 117 York Street, Suite 301, Tel: 0061-2-9261-5000, Fax: 0061-2-9261-2000, Brochure Line: 1-800-238-643, Email:
South Africa Tourism Offices in AsiaChina: Beijing 100600, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Tel: 0086-10-653-20171, Fax: 0086-10-653-27319, Email: India: Mumbai 400 021, Nariman Point, Jamnalal Bajaj Marg 44 Maker Chambers IV, Tel: 00991-22-22850409, Fax: 00991-22-22873012, Email:
Japan: Tokyo 107-0051, Minato-Ku, 1-1-2 Moto Akasaka, Akasaka Lions Building, Tel:0081-3-3478-7601, Fax: 0081-3-3478-7605, Email:
Where to get South Africa travel information in Europe:Austria: Wien 1030, Bayerngasse 1, Tel: 00-1-4704511,Email: France: Paris, 75008, 61 Rue La Boetie, Tel:0033-1-456-10197, Fax: 0033-1-456-10196, Email: Germany: Frankfurt, 60311, Friedenstrasse 6-10, Südafrikanisches Fremdenverkehrsamt Satour, Tel: 0049-69-9291-290, Fax: 0049-69-280-950, Email: Italy: Milano 20145, Via Masceroni 19/5th floor, Tel: 0039-2-439-11150, Fax: 0039-2-439-11158, Email: Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg: Amsterdam 1072SB, Jozef Israelskade 48A, Tel: 0031-20-471-4661, Fax: 0031-20-662-9761, Brochure Line: 0900-2020433, Belgium Info Line: 0800 - 74283, Email: United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia:Wimbledon SW 19 4DZ, 6 Alt Grove, Tel: 0044-2-8971-9364, Fax: 0044-20-8944 6705, Brochure Line: 0870-1550044, Email:
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